Inclusion, exclusion and educational research

The ECER 2018 Conference in Bozen-Bolzano will discuss structures and processes of inclusion and exclusion, of recognition and misrecognition, regarding their relevance for education and educational research and to significantly contribute to making such tensions both a scholarly and a public theme. On top of this, ECER 2018 will theoretically, empirically and practically conceptualise, investigate and experience intercultural communication as a powerful resource of mediation, mutual understanding and also of intellectual delight. The conference venue is an excellent opportunity, to do this in an intercultural setting, which could provide some evidence regarding intercultural communication trying to take diversity and tensions between inclusion and exclusion as productive resources for education and educational research. Learn more about the conference through this link.

Libera Università di Bolzano, Piazza Università, 1, Bolzano, 39100 Etelä-Tiroli, Italia
  • Event date September 04 - 07, 2018
  • Registration deadline 2018-07-01
  • Venue Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
  • Organiser EERA - European Educational Research Association
  • Event cost Varies; see website
  • Event website