Project owner: Ms Katalin Kozma Palástiné

The professional gambler” is an activity designed to facilitate better knowledge of professions in an interactive and tailored way. The setting of the activity is a “casino” where 6th grade primary school students can learn about different professions at different tables. The students can choose from the games depending on their own individual interests, abilities and personalities, and the game which provides the biggest feeling of success can be repeated as many times as the student wants. The different tables present different groups of professions, skill shortages, old or new professions. Multiple types of games are offered for the students depending on the facilities of the individual school. These games include card games, table games and games relying on PC applications. Different worksheets have also been created, and students are encouraged to use certain websites to do exercises in an interactive way. The games are rewarded with coin tokens which the students can lose or double either in roulette game or in its online version using Kahoot. At the end of the activity a winner is announced and rewarded.

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