Page 14 - eg-highlights-2019
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Other cross border activities            practitioners and Euroguidance staff. Cooperation                     Career guidance, the use of technology and  guidance professionals, all eight Nordic and Baltic
                                                                  involved different groups lof centres, depending                      internationalization are the three key-words that  centres have undergone a peer learning process
                         Cross border mobility seminar – Czech Republic,   on  the  objective  and  scope  of  the  activity,  and      describe common aims for VALA and Euroguid-  in  2019 through joint staff training seminars in
                         Slovakia and Poland                      took several forms – seminars, study visits, peer                     ance. The Nordplus funded VALA is a network of  Tallinn and Helsinki with the input of experts from
                         Euroguidance centres from the Czech Republic,   learning and peer review.                                      higher education institutions, in the Nordic and  universities in online training, e-course develop-
                         Slovakia and Poland organised the seminar                                                                      Baltic countries and focuses on academic training  ment and educational technologies. Between the
                         „Guidance crossing borders“ for counsellors who  Nordic and Baltic universities                                in the field of lifelong guidance. The members of  joint training activities, centres were involved in
                         are interested in mobility guidance from the   peer-learning brings new inspiration                            Erasmus+ funded Euroguidance network support  self-learning about practices (E-ways for com-
                         border regions near Ostrava where the seminar                                                                  the competence development of guidance profes-  petence development of guidance professionals
                         took place. Participants discussed why mobility and                                                            sionals through information sharing, peer-learning,  in Sweden and Estonia, e-learning examples in
                         cross border cooperation in guidance is important,                                                             further training and facilitating international  Finland and globally), and also design and training
                         how experiences from abroad influence their                                                                    exchange.                                development models (the ADDIE model).
                         respective border regions, whether an experience
                         from abroad is important for counsellors them-                                                                 Nordic seminar on mobility guidance      Peer review to support quality of small
                         selves and how to support their clients in mobility.                                                                                                    Euroguidance centres
                         Throughout the day, the five pillars of the seminar                                                            Mobility  guidance  with  a Nordic  "twist" was in
                         were established following the main topics of the                                                              focus in November when the Nordic Council of   Peer review activities involving the Euroguidance
                         seminar and were debated over in the format of                                                                 Ministers invited Nordic guidance practitioners to   centres of Norway, Denmark and Sweden are
                         a World Café: mobility as a chance for the youth,                                                              a work seminar to Copenhagen. The seminar was   integrated into the ongoing three-year work pro-
                         mobility as a chance for counsellors, skills for fu-                                                           arranged together with the Euroguidance centres   gramme. Each of these centres employs only one
                         ture, engagement of clients and finally networking                                                             of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Swe-  full-time designated staff member. Working alone
                         and cross border cooperation. Outcomes from each   © Margit Rammo                                              den and Info Norden. The day included information   can be challenging and input from colleagues is
                         group were then shared with everyone and were                                                                  about the various opportunities that help facilitate   therefore valuable.
                         followed by workshops where mobility guidance   To share the latest developments in training for               mobility in the Nordic countries, and discussions on
                         and good examples from the border regions were   career guidance practitioners in the Nordic and               how to reach young Nordic citizens and motivate  Peer Review is a form of external evaluation
                         presented.                               Baltic countries and, more specifically, to inspire                   them to take part.                       with the aim of supporting quality assurance and
                                                                  Estonian universities and other stakeholders with                                                              impact assessment. The Peer Review among the
                         Nordic and Baltic cooperation            the experience on academic training, Euroguidance                     Euroguidance network study visit         above-mentioned Euroguidance centres focused on
                                                                  Estonia hosted the VALA network of higher educa-                                                               two of the main tasks – information provision and
                         In 2019 cooperation among Euroguidance centres  tion institutions in Tallinn in August 2019.                   The  Danish and Swedish Euroguidance centres   competence development of guidance practitioners
                         in the Nordic and Baltic countries was aimed at im-  Originally planned as Nordplus teacher mobility, the      arranged a study visit to Copenhagen and Malmö   – and the review was performed by Europass and
                         proving the competences of both career guidance                                                                in June for  11 Euroguidance colleagues from  7   Euroguidance colleagues.
                                                                  event provided a significant added value to the                       countries. The objective was to learn about the
                                                                  partnership by bringing many new stakeholders                         guidance systems in two countries and discuss  The peer review took place in the Norwegian
                                                                  around the table. At first, the Euroguidance Latvia                   different aspects of the Euroguidance work. The  centre hosted by DIKU – the Norwegian Agency
                                                                  facilitated the participation of Latvian universities                 study visit was particularly recommended for new  for International Cooperation and Quality Enhance-
                                                                  and as a result a clear national vision was identi-                   colleagues in the network as a peer learning ac-  ment in Higher Education. One preliminary result
                                                                  fied for academic training in Latvia. Secondly, the                   tivity and an opportunity to exchange experiences.  is that Euroguidance Norway has fruitful collab-
                                                                  event was also a unique in Estonian context where                                                              oration with other stakeholders and government
                                                                  all national guidance community representatives,                      Improving e-learning competences of      agencies relevant for guidance. However, there is
                                                                  including the policy makers, professional associ-                     Nordic and Baltic Euroguidance centres   great potential for improvement for the national
                                                                  ations, academic and other training providers and                                                              Euroguidance website. Euroguidance Sweden and
                                                                  public employment services as the main employer                       With  the  goal  of  developing  a  common  online  Euroguidance Denmark will be assessed later in
                                                                  in the field, shared their views and prioritized the                  course to support internationalization among  2020.
                                                                  professionalism of career guidance professionals.
                                                                  To share the value of international co-operation in
                                                                  the field of guidance, to value the expertise in the
                                                                  use of technology and openness to share in the
                                                                  Nordic-Baltic region and to promote the importance
                                                                  of competence building of guidance professionals
                                                                  partners also recorded some videos that are ac-
                                                                  cessible to everybody in the international guidance
                                                                  community. Watch the videos here: http://haridus.
                         © Euroguidance Czech Republic

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