Page 9 - insights-autumn-2019
P. 9


          Training for Guidance Practitioners in the Nordic

          and Baltic Countries

           Developments in training for career guidance practitioners in the Nordic and Baltic countries were
           exchanged at the expanded VALA meeting in Tallinn on 21-22 August facilitated by Euroguidance Estonia
           and Latvia. VALA is a Nordplus funded network of Career counselling and guidance programmes at higher
           education institutions in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

                                                                 Finland: Jyväskylä University and JAMK

                                                                 Since 1970 career education has been compulsory
                                                                 in the Finnish school curriculum, with Career
                                                                 counsellors   following  this  curriculum.   Well-
                                                                 functioning guidance is seen as an indicator of an
                                                                 effective and equitable education system. Training
                                                                 pathways include a stand-alone Master’s degree of
                                                                 120 ECTS, integrated Bachelor-master’s degrees
                                                                 of 300 ECTS, and a Post-Graduate Diploma (60
                                                                 ECTS). In 2016 98% of guidance practitioners at
           While guidance in the Nordic countries may have       schools   were    qualified,  indicating  strongly
           many similarities, 2018 research on training of       professionalised guidance provision in this sector.
           guidance counsellors by Inga Andreassen et al   2     Universities are working on ensuring quality
           revealed the following differences across five
           countries:                                            services for all sectors.

            ∠ Level and length of training                       Greenland: National Centre for Guidance
            ∠ Curricular   focus   on  programme     and
               service management                                The 2013 Greenlandic Act on Career Counselling
                                                                 created major changes in the structure and service
            ∠ Emphasis placed on career information
               and assessment and, to a lesser extent,           provision of the Centre for National Counselling
               career counselling                                (now National Centre for Guidance - NCG). The
                                                                 NCG    provides   “academy    professional”  level
                                                                 guidance   courses   according   to  the   Danish
           A brief synopsis on the current situation in
           practitioner training delivered by VALA members       education system. The basic training course is not
           and guests follows.                                   regulated through an executive order, but due
                                                                 to the Act on Career Counselling, training is
           Sweden: Stockholm University                          mandatory    for   counsellors.   Basic   training
                                                                 sandwiches 4 course modules and 4 practical
           After a recent review, Stockholm University are re-   parts, totalling 420 student working hours. The
           examining the Bachelor of Arts in Study and Career    NCG also provides 4 different further education
           Guidance.   The    aim   is   to  highlight  the      courses open to students who have completed the
           interdisciplinary nature of the programme, and to     basic training.
           strengthen focus on clients with special needs and
           on migrants.     Based on the research by             1
           Andreassen, a compulsory course in service            2  Andreassen, Inga H. et al., Diverse histories, common ground and a shared
           management skills is being introduced. To increase     future: the education of career guidance and counselling professionals in the
           internationalisation, the fourth term is being         Nordic countries, International Journal for Educational and Vocational  �
           organized to allow for international exchange.
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