For almost 30 years Euroguidance centres in different countries have carried out learning mobility projects for career guidance professionals in Europe, the most substantial of which is Academia. To date, over 2 000 guidance professionals from all over Europe have taken part in the study exchanges. Estonia joined the Academia network in 2000 and, since then, nearly 200 professionals have visited Estonia and approximately the same number of Estonian professionals have had the opportunity to gain experience and knowledge abroad.
This year has been very different - instead of traditional study-visit type of exchange and job shadowing, we have been encouraged by a new reality and experienced together so called virtual mobility, where most of the exchange took place in virtual environment. Both hosts and participants agreed to be curious, brave and patient at the same time. Technology has definitely put us to the test - bringing both challenges and opportunities. We have been using mainly Moodle as the e-learning environment and web conferencing systems like BigBlueButton and MS Teams for on-line sessions. Also other tools like Kahoot, Mentimeter, and Padlet have been handy during this exciting journey.
With this recorded broadcast we would like to share with you another experiment – a recording of a live broadcast that was organised as the final session of the Estonian eAcademia exchange 2020 to give some idea of the work environment and digital tools in newly opened career centre in Estonian public employment service in Tallinn. Welcome!