Page 14 - Euroguidance-Brochure-Recent-Developments-in-Guidance-Belgium
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CISP Community of Practices
               French-speaking Community

                 In Wallonia, Centres d’insertion socioprofessionelle (CISP) - Socio-professional integration centres - are vocational
                 training and socio-professional integration operators that target adults with little education, and job seekers. Some
                 offer socio-professional guidance. The majority are affiliated with a federation grouped together within the Inter-
                 federation of CISPs (L’Interfédé).
                 The actions carried out by the CISPs allow each person to determine, structure and implement concrete and rele-
                 vant actions during and after training in order to build or confirm one’s career and personal plan.
                 Guidance practices are varied and relate to collective and individual schemes, general approaches to the personal
                 and career plan or specific approaches, such as guidance through trade discovery. Guidance is organised as a spe-
                 cific channel (the guidance channel) or it is included in a basic or professional training programme.

               In 2012, as part of a reference process developed at the   sector. The process includes 6 meetings. Participation in
               sector level, a training and guidance database has been   the whole process is required.
               produced (
               In 2015, this database was completed with a common   AIM(S)
               reference document at CISP centres “Characteristics and
               peculiarities of the work done in the field of socio-pro-  The aims of the Working Group are:
               fessional guidance in the CISP sector”.           •  to build together reference points, benchmarks,
                                                                  individual and collective points of attention support-
               Excerpt                                            ing the guidance work in the CISP sector in Wallonia
               “In CISPs, the process of socio-professional guidance is   •  to build together an analysis grid of practices and
               aimed at ensuring that each trainee is an actor in this   tools by trying to adopt the point of view of a trainee
               process, by becoming aware, relying, on the one hand, on   using the tool.
               aptitudes, skills, aspirations, personal and/or professional   •  to identify the levers and obstacles to producing
               interests, and, on the other hand, on knowledge of the   future work prospects
               socio-economic context, with a view to making informed   •  to record comments on an educational platform
        Recent Developments in Guidance - Belgium  |  Chapter 1  |  Policy initiatives, networks and working groups
               choices. This means promoting real freedom for people to   created for this purpose
               be able to choose and carry out a training plan to which
               they give value and which contributes to their socio-profes-
               sional development within a given space of constraints and   TARGET GROUP(S)
               opportunities. It allows each person to determine, structure
               and implement concrete and relevant actions during and   Workers with a guidance role in their job.
               after the training in order to progress towards the construc-
               tion and/or the realisation of his or her socio-professional
               plan.                                             METHODOLOGY
               This process is evolutionary, individual and/or collective,
               supported and personalised. It contributes to people’s   The group builds on the skills identified in Interfédé’s
               emancipation. The process  implementation depends on   guidance database.
               the educational project of each CISP.
                                                                 In connection with each of these, participants presented
               Since then, an approach has been initiated to create a   tools or resources they avail of. Next, they were analysed,
               community of practices which is embodied in particular   based on a framework in line with the sectoral reference
               by the production of toolkits created from the resources   framework. This experimentation of tools and analyses
               and tools used daily by workers with a guidance func-  was recorded in files accessible to all members of the
               tion or active in a CISP centre in the Socio-professional   working group - via a collaborative platform. Where
               Guidance category.                                possible, tool sheets are referenced with tools.
               This approach is hinged around participation in a
               working group bringing together professionals from the   Over twenty tool sheets were produced by the working

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