Page 37 - eg-highlights-2019
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2.5  National career

 promotion and   to support learners through this process can be  applied sciences and two universities offer guidance

 developing mobility for   a challenge for Guidance Counsellors and support  counsellor  training:  Oulu  University  of  Applied
                 staff too.
                                                          Sciences (OAMK), Tampere University of Applied
                                                          Sciences (TAMK), Haaga-Helia University of Applied
                 So, what exactly is Euro-quest?
                                                          Sciences,  Häme  University of  Applied  Sciences
                 ‘Euro-Quest’  is  a  blended  learning  programme,  (HAMK), Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences
 specific target groups   targeted at ‘Transition Year’ students in Ireland  (JAMK), University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and
                 (learners aged between 14 and 16). It comprises  University of Jyväskylä (JYU).
                 of four online modules and is accompanied by a
                                                          The aim of the training Euroguidance Finland offers
                 Student Workbook and a Whole School Guidebook
                 for Guidance Counsellors and teaching staff.   to guidance counsellor students is to provide
                                                          students with competence concerning guidance
                 Designed to meet the needs of Guidance Coun-  to learning mobility, information on studying and
                 sellors and learners looking to explore mobility  working abroad, tools for guidance on internation-
                 opportunities in Europe; it is a practical tool that  alisation, information on future skills needs and
                 aims to plant the seed of curiosity in students  statistics on international mobility. The content of
                 regarding mobility in Europe, equip them with the  the training is agreed with the trainers from the
 Euroguidance Centres often address and support  It can be a challenge for students considering   necessary skills to conduct independent research  guidance counsellor degree programmes.
 various target groups within their national activ-  ‘mobility’ opportunities in Europe to find out   and bust some common misconceptions that exist
 ities. In this chapter, you can read about projects  what’s there and to know where to start looking.   around the topic.   In 2019, Euroguidance Finland invited the trainers
 working with clients and counsellors both online  Indeed, many are completely unaware of the wide   from all the guidance counsellor training units at
 and offline on the topic of educational mobility.  spectrum of opportunities that exist. Knowing how   Euro-Quest can be delivered by the Guidance  universities  of  applied  sciences  and  universities
                 Counsellor or as part of a team of teachers who  for  a  two-day  meeting.  One  of  the  main  aims
 ‘Euro-Quest’ resource for Irish   work together with Europe as a cross-curricular  of the meeting was to develop the content of
                                                          the training Euroguidance Finland provides for
 Secondary Schools   theme.                               guidance counsellor students. The trainers had
                 How has it been received so far?
 ‘Euro-Quest’ is a free to use online programme           several suggestions on how to develop the training
 that promotes educational mobility to students in   Between February 2018 and May 2019, Euroguid-  on international mobility. According to them, the
 secondary schools in Ireland. It can be completed   ance Ireland completed a pilot of the programme  benefits of international mobility and the skills
 in or out of the classroom.   with  15 schools across Ireland. Feedback from  one gains from international experience could be
                 guidance counsellors, teachers and students was   highlighted more in the trainings. We also received
 Why was it developed?
                 extremely positive. The final version was made  feedback that topics such as green mobility and
 Increasingly, there is demand for students with lan-  available  to  all  secondary  schools  in  Ireland  in  international opportunities for those who are not
 guage skills and greater international awareness.   January 2020.   in education could be emphasised more.
 The opportunity to look beyond home shores and           In the meeting, we also discussed what kind of
 ‘internationalise’ one’s education is now more   To learn more about Euro-Quest visit   expertise the teachers at guidance counsellor
 valuable than ever.     training units have and how this expertise could
                 You can contact Euroguidance Ireland at
 The 2020 EU target was that, by then, at least           be shared between the units and Euroguidance
 20 % of all graduates should have spent a period   [email protected]   Finland. The teachers at the training units have all
                                                          kinds of expertise on for example career guidance,
 studying or training abroad. The budget for the   Training on learning mobility for   ethnicized educational paths, gender-conscious
 next Erasmus programme period, 2021-2027, will   guidance counsellor students   guidance and student welfare issues.
 be over €3bn, evidencing the value placed on
 educational mobility at EU level. It also emphasises   Euroguidance Finland offers training on guidance  The feedback Euroguidance Finland received on
 the need to make the Erasmus programme more   for learning mobility for guidance counsellor stu-  the training on guidance for learning mobility was
 inclusive. It recognises that ‘investing in people,   dents. The aim of this training is to make sure  valuable. The meeting gave us ideas on how to
 their skills, and their knowledge will help respond   that the international dimension is integrated in  develop the trainings so that the trainings would
 to global challenges, maintain social fairness and   the guidance services provided to pupils, students  support the future guidance practitioners’ compe-

 drive Europe’s competitiveness’.   and other clients. In Finland, five universities of  tence concerning guidance to learning mobility.

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