Page 2 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2015-spring
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abroad in the period from 2014-20,   both in terms of education and perso-  are all qualities which employers va-
        compared  to  the  previous  Lifelong   nal growth, far exceed the challenges.  lue, but they rarely recognise these
        Learning   Programme.   Guidance                                        competences as being the result of
        counsellors are expected to play an   In  the  chapter  about  ‘hidden  com-  having  studied  or  worked  abroad.
        active  role  in  achieving  this  goal.   petences’ the Finnish Euroguidance
                                            Centre  CIMO  writes  about  the  re-  The   compendium   (in   English)
        Fremtidslinjen  (the  Way  to  the  Fu-  sults  of  a  major  study  on  the  hid-  in  PDF  format  is  available  here:
        ture)  in  Køge  educates  and  guides   den competences that young people
        young  on  the  STU  education  pro-  gain from work placements or from   publications-and-resources-2/
        gramme;  an  individually  designed   studying abroad. Traditionally a stu-
        youth  programme  for  pupils  with   dy period abroad results in stronger    Birtha Theut and Alexandra Ejby
        special  needs.    Morten  Ellehauge,   foreign language competence and an                        Bidstrup
        the  head  of  Fremtidslinjen,  says   enhanced  intercultural  understan-           Euroguidance Denmark
        that  it  places  heavy  demands  on   ding. The survey additionally reveals
        the  employees  and  counsellors  ar-  however, that the young people re-
        ranging the visits for the young pu-  turn from their stay abroad more pro-
        pils, but that the benefits they gain,  ductive, resilient and curious. These

        The mobility process and “coping skills” as a first aid

        The  Euroguidance  ‘Mobility  Workgroup’  has  developed  a  number  of  tools  based  on  both  theories  and  prac-
        tice  in  the  field  of  guidance  for  mobility  for  people  studying,  training  and  working  abroad.  The  group
        wishes  to  provide  some  reflexions  for  guidance  counsellors  working  in  the  field  of  mobility  advice.

        Based on literature, research and the   What are coping skills?         The page on coping skills can be
        experiences of guidance counsellors                                     found by following the link and then
        of mobility in the Euroguidance net-  Challenging  behaviour  can  often   clicking on ’Coping skills for mobi-
        work,  the  group  exploited  models,   be the result of the youngsters’ in-  lity’ in the left menu:
        concepts  and  methodologies  that   ability  to  manage  their  emotions.   http://euroguidancemobility.
        can help counsellors to better under-  What  skills  have  youngsters  lear-
        stand what is happening in the mind   ned  that  can  help  them  cope  with
        of (young) people undertaking a stay   the  everyday  problems  they  face   The Euroguidance’s Mobility
        abroad. Experience has shown that   while  being  abroad?  There  can  be   Workgroup’ has 4 webpages.
        this  understanding  is  also  useful  in   a gap in the youngsters’ own ability
        other context: e.g. for soldiers on a   to  take  the  responsibility  for  their   Workgroup mobility in English:
        mission  in  another  country,  missio-  own  actions  and  employ  their  co-  http://euroguidancemobility.
        naries,  migrants,  political  refugees,   ping  skills  which  are  necessary  to
        etc. All those individuals have to deal   help  them  to  survive  difficult  emo-
        with uncertainty, the feeling of being   tions,  thoughts  and  experiences.   Workgroup mobility in French:
        lost in unpredictable situations with                                      http://mobilite-euroguidance.
        which they must cope as best they   Coping skills as first aid?  
        can. That in itself is an enriching expe-
        rience and a form of career learning   Counsellors can develop some pictu-  Workgroup mobility in Latvian:
        that they can use later in a context   res based on ideas for self-reflection   http://mobilitate-euroguidance.
        of  lifelong  and  life-width  guidance.  and  self-help  that  the  youngsters
                                            abroad can use online in interaction
        How  can  counsellors  assist  in  the   with the counsellors. They can also   Werkgroep mobiliteit Dutch:
        mobility  process  before  the  stay   be  used  before  or  after  the  mobi-  http://euroguidance.wikispaces.
        abroad or if something goes wrong   lity experience as a preparation or a   com/Werkgroep+mobiliteit
        during  the  mobility  experience?    It   follow-up of the youngsters and their
        is  clear  that  if  a  youngster  is  run-  environment  (family,  friends,  etc.).
        ning into heavy problems, he or she                                                     Jef Vanraepenbusch
        should  look  for  professional  help.                                                Euroguidance Flanders

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