Page 6 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2015-spring
P. 6

Find the right people! – joint event for civil and state
        organisations in Hungary

        The Hungarian Euroguidance centre organised an international conference at the end of 2014 with the focus on
        making the connection between the administration sector and the NGOs even smoother than it has been so far.

        The conference provided an oppor-
        tunity  for  both  sectors  to  consider
        their  roles,  to  communicate  more
        effectively with each other and en-
        hance  their  success.  Experts  enga-
        ging  in  career  orientation,  career
        choice  and  career  change  at  NGOs
        in  the  Southern  Region  of  Hungary
        (called  the  “Great  Plains”)  atten-
        ded  the  conference.  In  the  fields
        of  career  choice  and  employment
        the  role  of  civil  organisations  has
        grown considerably in recent years.

        At the conference, the Euroguidance
        Centre  provided  information  on  la-
        bour market services and policy ob-
        jectives. Presentations were held by
        various  organisations:  National  La-
        bour Office, the Government Office   At the conference an accredited trai-  have  attended  the  training  course.
        of Csongrad County and the Klebels-  ning  course  was  promoted  for  the
        berg  Institution  Maintenance  Cen-  participants. The course is organised   The  international  conference  had
        tre. Activities of European networks,   every month by the Social Renewal   multiple  consequences;  it  gave  an
        such  as  Euroguidance,  Eures  and   Operational Programme 2.2.2. It con-  opportunity for colleagues at NGOs
        Europass were also presented. Coun-  sists of 30 lessons and leads to a qua-  to  pursue  active  networking  acti-
        sellors from Active Youth in Malta and   lification as career orientation consul  vities  and  cooperate  more  closely
        Studio Progetto in Italy gave an over-  tant and user of the National Career   in  their  everyday  work,  and  indi-
        view of their international projects.   Orientation Portal. This is a good op-  rectly  increased  their  professional
        At  the  forum  Hungarian  NGOs  in-  portunity for counsellors to expand   toolbar  with  a  new  qualification.
        troduced themselves, their projects   their knowledge. So far, near twen-
        and  their  request  for  cooperation.  ty  counsellors  from  various  NGOs   Considering  the  number  of  partici-
                                                                                pants,  the  Euroguidance  Centre  is
                                                                                planning  to  organise  a  similar  con-
                                                                                ference  at  national  level  in  2015.

                                                                                National Office of Vocational Education
                                                                                      and Training and Adult Learning
                                                                                              Euroguidance Hungary
                                                                                                E-mail: [email protected]

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