Page 9 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2015-spring
P. 9

Profile-analyse  based  counselling   mentioned in the sessions that, “the   to  clients,  helping  them  to  become
        was one of the main outputs of the   most effective way of providing care-  more self-aware and also challenging
        congress  where  the  importance  of   er interventions is through individual   some  of  their  assumptions  about
        face to face counselling became pro-  counselling and related to that issue,   the world of work and about them-
        minent once again. This requires ma-  counsellors’ free intervention are not   selves. It is important to assess and
        king  a  career  management  plan  in   as effective as any other interventions   explore their interests, identify their
        line with the personality and talent/  that involve a counsellor”. This was a   strengths by looking at their skills and
        skills  of  each  person  and  according   result from a research that was con-  abilities but also looking at their va-
        to this plan an individual action plan   ducted  in  the  USA.  Another  aspect   lues and what is important to them.
        and  CV  should  be  designed.  It  was   of  counselling  is  providing  insight

         The 2nd Annual Euroguidance Conference in Serbia

        On  December  17th  2014,  the  national  Euroguidance  centre  organised  the  second  annual  Euroguidance  con-
        ference  in  the  Republic  of  Serbia.  The  conference  was  organised  in  cooperation  with  the  Ministry  of  Educa-
        tion,  Science  and  Technological  Development  and  the  Ministry  of  Youth  and  Sports.  It  attracted  around  150
        guidance  practitioners  from  all  sectors  (education,  employment,  youth  and  non-governmental  organisations).

        Following  the  success  of  the  first   keynote speech given by Mr. Vuori-  cluding the new framework for qua-
        Euroguidance  conference  in  2013,   nen,  Coordinator  of  the  European   lity standards of guidance in higher
        which  focused  on  sharing  examp-  Lifelong  Guidance  Policy  Network,   education,  new  online  career  infor-
        les  of  good  European  practice  with   because Serbia has just become a full   mation  tools  developed  by  PES,  re-
        the  local  guidance  community  and   member  of  this  European  network.  sults  of  the  project  which  introdu-
        included  presentations  of  guidance   His  presentation  was  followed   ced guidance in all primary schools
        practitioners from Croatia, Germany,   with  an  overview  of  the  po-  in the country, as well as an analysis
        Denmark  and  Bulgaria,  the  confe-  licy   developments   in   Serbia.  of  the  current  situation  of  career
        rence this year had as its theme the                                     guidance  in  secondary  schools  and
        development of the guidance system   In  the  next  two  sessions  the  key   the  importance  of  career  guidance
        in  Serbia.  The  first  session  focused   stakeholders  presented  the  latest   in  improving  the  efficiency  of  VET.
        on  the  policy  development,  with  a   developments  in  their  sectors,  in-

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