Page 19 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2015
P. 19

France          Italy

 Cooperation between networks supports European mobility  A national dissemination network to support mobility

 In France, the Euroguidance and Europass net-  •  Publication on European mobility tools  Euroguidance  Italy  coordinates  a  National  Dis-  The network has one or more local contact points
 works as well as the National Contact Point for   A brochure on the tools for the recognition of   semination Network (NDN). It involves bodies  in every Italian region. Further, it incorporates
 the European Qualification Framework have   and experts working in the field of lifelong guid-  local contact points of other EU networks such as
 taken common initiatives to spread information   qualifications was produced in 2015. How diffe-   ance and transnational mobility. By means of this  the information points of the Eurodesk, Eures and
 rent European tools can be useful is demonstra-
 more extensively about mobility in Europe. These   ted in a case, where a fictional young man called   network a widespread dissemination of quality  Europe Direct networks, thereby facilitating the
 examples  illustrate  the  joint  efforts  to  promote   “Alexandre” is on training at a restaurant. This   information and materials at national level can be  networking of networks at national level.
 mobility both to the general public and guidance   practical example helps users to learn about all   guaranteed.   The main task of the network is to exchange
 the different tools and European networks (e.g.          information,  to share results  and outcomes  of
 •  Seminar on European mobility tools  Europass, Youthpass,  Euroguidance,  Ploteus,   projects, to find new partners and to support
 Eurodesk, ECTS, ECVET, Eures, Enic Naric, etc.) and      existing initiatives with specific activities. It also
 Euroguidance France organises biennial semi-   how they support individual mobility.  promotes innovative working methods and
 nars targeting all lifelong guidance professionals at    good practices in the field of lifelong guidance
 the national level. “European tools to make mobil-  •  Self-study module on European mobility  and learning  mobility  in Europe. The frequent
 ity easier” was the topic of the first event, where   Emma (Entretien mobilité module d’autoforma-  knowledge sharing about transnational mobility
 all key guidance actors met and discussed the   tion) is an online self-study module about mobili-  and guidance between the network members
 theme.  The  seminar   ty. It is organized in three interactive parts with an   contributes to their professional development.
 brought more than a   overall duration of around 30 minutes. By means
 hundred guidance ex-  of an interview this module follows a guidance   In 2015, Euroguidance Italy extended the mem-
 perts together. It was    counsellor, who is an expert on European mobility.   bership of the network with the aim of raising the
 an  excellent  forum   The main goal is to illustrate the key points of the   participation of the national guidance community
 for networking and   first  mobility  interview by  a  game  of  questions   in the Euroguidance-related activities. At present,
 sharing highlights of   and answers. It is meant to explain techniques   there are more than 70 network members from
 activities carried out    (active hearing, reformulation, empathy, etc.),   all over Italy. There is a list of the different contact
 in France and the rest   which can be used in many situations. A user of   points is available online.
 of Europe. The neces-   Emma can also find information in a toolkit about   Moreover, Euroguidance Italy published a booklet
 sity for cooperation to   all the possibilities for a candidate with a mobility   for the network which is available in print and
 better coordinate gui-   project in mind, and the user will find a review of   online, and organized training sessions for all the
 dance services in the   the strategic steps needed to prepare a mobility   network members to promote the Euroguidance
 future was addressed   project. For two years, this free tool has been   network and all the European tools for transpar-
 as well.   usable online on the Euroguidance website.    ency and recognition of skills and qualifications.

 A publication on
 “Useful European tools
 for mobility” for the
 general public.

 CONTACT:                          Concetta Fonzo
 NETWORKING AND   Euroguidance France (Strasbourg)    Euroguidance Italy                           NETWORKING AND
 NETWORK-BASED   Email [email protected]  Email [email protected]                        NETWORK-BASED
 COOPERATION TO                                                                                     COOPERATION TO
 18  PROMOTE MOBILITY                                                                             PROMOTE MOBILITY  19
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