Page 1 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2015-spring
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Open the Door to the World                                              •  Open the Door to the World

         Mobility guidance – as seen from the                                       Mobility guidance – as seen
         north                                                                      from the north

                                                                                 •  The mobility process and “co-
        “I needed the distance from home to understand that I was going in the      ping skills” as a first aid
        right  direction”,  says  19-year-old  Samuel  from  Finland  after  a  year  of
        unemployment  in  Finland  and  three  months  as  a  volunteer  in  a  kinder-  •  “Image in Coaching” - Interview
        garden in Portugal. You can read more about Samuel in the recently pub-     with Dorota Raniszewska, a Po-
        lished  compendium  from  the  eight  Euroguidance  centres  in  the  Nor-  lish expert in visual counselling
        dic and Baltic countries. Samuel would never have taken the step  to go     techniques and Certified Points
        abroad without the help of Heidi, his guidance counsellor in Finland, who   of You Trainer
        drew his attention to the possibilities of the European Voluntary Service.
                                                                                 •  Find the right people! – joint
                                                                                    event for civil and state organi-
                                                                                    sations in Hungary

                                                                                 •  National Career Counselling
                                                                                    Awards 2014 in the Czech Repu-
                                                                                    blic and Slovakia

                                                                                 •  Profile based counselling - The
                                                                                    importance of face to face
                                                                                    counselling becomes prominent
                                                                                    once again

                                                                                 •  The 2nd Annual Euroguidance
                                                                                    Conference in Serbia

                                                                                Europe  and  to  provide  inspira-
                                                                                tion  for  future  mobility  work  and
                                                                                guidance.  It  includes  several  ar-
                                                                                ticles  and  interviews  produced  by
                                                                                counsellors,  employers  and  mobi-
                                                                                lity experts from the eight countries.
        The  compendium  is  published  by   The purpose of the publication is to   The aim of the EU’s education pro-
        the  Euroguidance  centres  in  Den-  contribute to the debate about the   gramme Erasmus+ is to increase by 50
        mark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lat-  challenges  faced  by  the  mobility   per cent the number of young people
        via, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden.   guidance  counsellors  from  all  over
                                                                                on a work placements or  exchanges

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