Page 5 - euroguidance-insight-2018-autumn
P. 5


          Once you have hope – you become more active

          “Learning about possibilities in the labour market is good and necessary but for the clients
          of guidance practitioners, it is not sufficient. They need to learn about themselves, to iden-
          tify their strengths and they need hope. Once you have hope, you become more active and
          you strive further. You need to feel that your efforts will bring some results and that you
          yourself are worth something. The result is lack of direction and purpose. With different
          types of activities, guidance practitioners can inspire hope and purpose”.

          Dr.  Norman Amundson  recently                                          alise which options to take. Tell-
          gave a course on what he calls                                          ing stories, drawing pictures, and
          a hope-centred, activity engaged                                        maybe  most  importantly,  using
          approach  in  Reykjavík,  Iceland                                       metaphors to describe one’s own
          (supported by the Icelandic Euro-                                       feelings and aspirations are good
          guidance Centre) and granted a                                          ways to engage the client and in-
          short interview for Insight.                                            spire hope for the future.

          Dr  Amundson  is  a  Professor
          in  Counselling  Psychology  at
          the  University  of  British  Colum-
          bia, Canada and also a found-       and adapting are the petals of a
          ing  member  of  the  Hope-Action   flower turning around the centre of
          Group with Dr Spencer Niles and     hope. The environment is the little
          Dr Hyung Joon Yoon. In his writ-    gust of wind which is necessary to
          ings, he emphasizes the impor-      move the petals around the core.
          tance  of  creativity,  imagination,   Counsellors  can thus be one of
          cultural awareness, positive affir-  the factors making the wheel turn.  Dr Amundson admitted that he ini-
          mation, hope and active engage-                                         tially  was  not  a great  believer  in
          ment. His most recent publication   Counsellors  need  to  be  active,   distance  guidance.  Now  he  has
          (2018) is a twenty year anniversa-  greet their clients at the door     come to believe that in a rapidly
          ry edition of Active Engagement.    and  help  them  through  various   changing  world  guidance  coun-
          His publications include over 100   activities in order to get a better   sellors need to adapt to the world
          journal articles, training DVDs,    idea of where they want to go       of social media and learn to com-
          books and workbooks – many of       and  how  they  can  possibly  get   municate with their clients in this
          which have been translated into     there. One method is to walk the    modality. His most recent research
          different languages.                problem  where  the client  visua-  project discusses the effective-
                                              lises where (s)he wants to be in    ness of both face-to-face and on-
          In  the  course  in  Reykjavík,  he   the future. Another method is for   line career counselling  interven-
          talked his audience  through        the client to sit in different chairs   tions with unemployed clients.
          the  pinwheel where hope forms      in turn and visualise the future,
          the  centre  and  self-reflection,   where each chair represents a
          self-clarity, visioning,  goal-setting   different future possibility, there-  Dóra Stefánsdóttir
          and  planning, and  implementing    by allowing the client to better re-  Euroguidance Iceland
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